Scolae: Journal of Pedagogy 2024-02-17T06:44:41+00:00 Rus'an Open Journal Systems <p>Scolae: Journal of Pedagogy is a scientific-oriented journal that focuses on publishing the research result in Education, Religion, and Social field.</p> Student Perspectives on the Grammar Translation Method in English Language Learning 2023-10-06T00:39:41+00:00 Suhria Suhria Nurul Ilmi <p>In this quantitative survey, the researchers aimed to investigate students' attitudes, perceptions, and experiences concerning the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) in English language instruction. The study involved fifteen students in class X of SMKN 1 Dampal Selatan. A questionnaire was used as an experimental tool to assess grammar learning. Data collection and analysis utilized a snowball technique. The questionnaire responses indicated that students generally had a positive attitude towards learning English and were familiar with GTM. They believed that learning grammar through translation was<br>easier, often used dictionaries, and appreciated teacher assistance with challenging words. However, they found grammar learning more challenging than expected and considered consistent learning necessary. Grouping words by category was seen as helpful, and mastering tenses was considered important for forming sentences. While students were open to structured sentence formation based on tenses, they expressed a preference for group work over individual activities.</p> 2023-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Realita Pekerja Seks Komersial 2023-10-16T05:50:27+00:00 Erni Nurdin <p>This research was motivated by the rise of commercial sex workers (PSK). Tolitoli is one of the districts in Central Sulawesi province. The existence of commercial sex workers in Tolitoli district cannot be denied. The emergence of the phenomenon of commercial sex workers (PSK) in Tolitoli Regency is indeed disturbing. The community of commercial sex workers is found in several places such as petrol station complexes, boarding houses and cafes. This place is in the midst of a society whose population is very pluralistic, namely consisting of various types. culture and ethnicity, both immigrants and native ethnicities. Such as Bugis, Kaili, Javanese and Gorontalo. However, the focus of the researcher's research was at the petrol station complex. There were recorded 104 commercial sex workers and 18 pimps (2010 data from the Social Service), and among those who did this work there were economic reasons. In research using qualitative research methods, a researcher becomes the key instrument. The data collection technique used is observation where the researcher makes direct observations and is fully involved in the activities of key informants who are research subjects and sources of research information. The results of this research show that there are 104 commercial sex workers in Tolitoli Regency where there is a gas station complex, and those who have not been included in the Social Service data are estimated to be 96 people. And the main factor in them doing this work is the economic factor.</p> 2023-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE CO-OP CO-OP TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN KOMUNIKASI MATEMATIS PADA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS VII SMP NEGERI 2 DAMPAL SELATAN 2024-02-11T06:07:48+00:00 Moh Jusri Kahar Liza Fitri <p>The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a positive effect of the Co-Op Co-Op type of Cooperative Learning Model on the mathematical communication skills of the students of SMP Negeri 2 Dampal Selatan. This research is a type of Pre Experimental Design research. The population and sample in this study were all seventh grade junior high school students. The instrument used to collect data was a mathematical communication ability test which was carried out before being treated (pretest) and after being treated (posttest) as well as observing the learning implementation sheet. Where the results of data analysis show that Ho is rejected, that is, there is an influence. The data analysis of this research is descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. Hypothesis testing using the i one sample test. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a positive effect of the Co-Op Co-Op type of Cooperative Learning Model on the Mathematical Communication Ability of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Dampal Selatan (medium category).</p> 2024-02-11T06:07:48+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The THREE CENTERS OF EDUCATION AS INSTITUTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING THEORY 2024-02-07T23:05:09+00:00 Al-Muthmainnah - <p>This research is aiming at elaborating the three educational centers which is a concept that gradually and integrated assumes educational responsibility for children. These three centers include education in the family environment, education in the school environment, and education in the community environment. The three centers responsible for education are required to work together comprehensively. This research uses a literature review approach combined with the researcher's reflection method. The literature method utilizes research articles published in various current scientific journals, while the reflection method is based on the knowledge and experience of researchers in recognizing, identifying and responding to student phenomena in various educational institutions. The family environment, which is the first environment and is considered the foundation of a child's education and the beginning of the education that will be pursued later, also plays a major role in personality formation. The school environment is the second environment that children face. Education in the school environment has a foundation, objectives, content, methods and other requirements which are arranged systematically in the form of a curriculum. Therefore, schools are considered the foundation of knowledge. Meanwhile, in society, children will be aware of a number of educational and teaching theories that have been taught in previous educational institutions. Then they will actualize and involve themselves in the community environment.</p> <p>Keywords: three centers of education, development, learning theory</p> 2024-02-07T23:01:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN ACTIVE LEARNING DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK PADA MATA PELAJARAN AQIDAH AKHL.pdf 2024-02-11T06:46:27+00:00 Ahmad Yudianto <p>This research discusses the implementation of the Active Learning model in improving students' learning<br>outcomes in the subject of Islamic faith and morals at MTs Alkhairaat Madinatul Ilmi, Dolo District, Sigi Regency. The<br>main issues addressed in this thesis are: How is the implementation of the Active Learning model in the subject of<br>Islamic faith and morals? What steps are used in implementing the Active Learning model in the subject of Islamic faith<br>and morals? What are the obstacles and solutions to the Active Learning model in the subject of Islamic faith and<br>morals?<br>The research approach is qualitative, employing data collection techniques such as observation, interviews,<br>documentation, followed by data reduction, data presentation, and verification through triangulation methods.<br>The results of this thesis research indicate that the implementation of the Active Learning model greatly<br>assists educators and students in the teaching and learning process. Students are encouraged to create an atmosphere<br>where they actively ask questions, inquire, and develop ideas, thereby becoming the center of learning activities.<br>Educators act as facilitators, motivators, and inspirators, controlling, supervising, and providing opportunities for<br>students to think critically, develop inspiration, and creativity. The implementation involves designing learning<br>activities, motivating students, organizing them, and presenting the material. Challenges in implementing the Active<br>Learning model include students' lack of confidence and limited time allocation, while solutions involve motivating<br>students and training them to articulate thoughts and manage time effectively.</p> 2024-02-11T06:43:11+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENDEKATAN PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS INKUIRI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN PELAJARAN PKN SISWA KELAS VII SMP NEGERI 2 DAMPAL SELATAN 2024-02-17T06:44:41+00:00 MULIANA - <p>Motivation to learn will not be built if students still find it difficult to accept PKN lessons, PKN subjects are considered<br>boring lessons. This phenomenon causes most lessons to be less popular with students because the subject matter is<br>considered boring.<br>The aims of this research are 1) to determine the inquiry-based learning process of class VII students at SMP Negeri 2<br>Dampal Selatan, 2) to find out how the use of inquiry-based learning can improve students' understanding of civics<br>lessons for class VII SMP Negeri 2 Dampal Selatan, 3) to find out to what extent implementation of inquiry-based<br>Civics learning can improve the understanding of class VII students at SMP Negeri 2 Dampal Selatan, 4) to determine<br>student responses regarding inquiry-based learning for VII students at SMP Negeri 2 Dampal Selatan.<br>The research results show that 1) The inquiry-based learning approach in improving understanding of Civics lessons for<br>class VII students of SMP Negeri 2 Dampal Selatan was carried out in 3 (three) cycles with no significant obstacles, 2)<br>The inquiry-based learning approach can improve the understanding of class VII students of SMP Negeri 2 South<br>Dampal has experienced an increase, 3) An inquiry-based learning approach can increase the creativity of class VII<br>students at SMP Negeri 2 Dampal Selatan, 4) Student responses to the inquiry-based learning approach in<br>understanding class VII Civics subject matter at SMP Negeri 2 Dampal Selatan students are positive.</p> 2024-02-17T06:44:41+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##